Technique Lover’s Challenge

Okay…so this little basket was so inspiring for me, I just got to work immediately!  Today’s technique lover’s challenge was this mini easter basket by Claire Brennan.   Once you see this basket, you’ll want to try it yourself!  I couldn’t believe how cute it was and just couldn’t resist.  So, to save you a step or two, you can download the template here.

Are you ready?


Oh, and the flower’s weren’t my original idea, there was a sample in a recent mini catalog, and Fran Sabad has a great explanation of the directions on her blog.  In Fran’s sample, she uses a 2″x12″ sheet of DSP, for these smaller flowers, I used a 1.25″ x 12″ sheet.


I really wanted to tie some ribbon on the stems to be the leaves but there just wasn’t room to make it fit in this tiny box.  Oh, well.  Maybe that tip will help some of you!

Have a great day all!  Happy Stamping!

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